Sludge drying is the process of transforming sludge into useful products or green fuel. Removal of water reduces storage volume and transportation costs. Thermal drying is used to achieve up to 80% volume reduction and up to 90% weight reduction.

Sludge Drying systems designed and manufactured by Sai Enviro Care Systems are designed to fit for small, medium, and large quantity sludge generators. Drying systems can fit under the filter press for direct loading or can be located on remote locations within the plant. At the time of the thermal drying of sludge, almost all water is evaporated, including surface, capillary, and cell water. Supply of heat is needed, if possible from mutual power and heat generation systems. A great portion of the drying heat is recovered from the exhaust and re-circulated.

Sai Enviro Care Systems offer a wide of Sludge dryers to product safe and hygienic biosolids that are biologically stable which allows for long-term storage as well as a broader range of resource recovery options, either as energy or material, used in areas like mineral processing, metallurgy, chemical industry and others.

Benefits of Sludge Drying Systems